Blog posts

How (Small) Brands Use Humour to Compete Against Giants

I remember watching an episode of the Dragon’s Den, where the investors were pitched a new mobile phone brand.  It looked great but they all said no because it was just too difficult to compete against the Apples, Samsungs and Googles of this world.

I’m sure they were right. When you’re a small brand going toe-to-toe with industry giants, you need more than a good product. 

A Tale of Two Trees

Here’s a photo of me and my mate Charlie Curson in front of the Christmas tree at the Landmark Hotel. The trophy is the Titan Gold Award for Best B2B Event 2024, awarded for 'Leading with Laughter - A Stand-Up Approach to Strategic Leadership.' These workshops combined the power of strategic psychology (Charlie’s expertise) and humor to develop practical solutions to business problems. And it clearly worked: 89% of businesses reported improved team idea generation and problem-solving abilities.

"Talk with Your Hands: The Italian Secret to Zoom Success!"

Presenting virtually on Zoom or Teams can feel like talking to a wall—except the wall sometimes glitches, mutes itself, or asks if you’re still there. To keep your audience from falling into the dreaded “Zoom coma,” you’ve got to bring some pizzazz to your presentation, and one of the best ways to do that is with your hands. Think of yourself as starring in La Dolce Vita — arguing about food and love - your hands should be flying!

Advice on Impromptu Speaking!

(In the style of Raymond Chandler)

I was nursing a house merlot in the back row, in the back room of the swankiest book-shop in Leicester Square.

In came  a writer -  Philip Gwynne Jones, the man who had transformed Venice into a web of mystery.

How to Make Your Presentation Memorable: The Sticky Secrets

My daughter showed me a short film of herself talking to camera from a few years ago. It was from when she was going through a really tough time and it instantly brought back a wave of memories and emotions in one very powerful hit. 

Promo Gray

Quisque ut dolor gravida, placerat libero vel, euismod. Nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum? Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.