A Tale of Two Trees

Here’s a photo of me and my mate Charlie Curson in front of the Christmas tree at the Landmark Hotel. The trophy is the Titan Gold Award for Best B2B Event 2024, awarded for 'Leading with Laughter - A Stand-Up Approach to Strategic Leadership.' These workshops combined the power of strategic psychology (Charlie’s expertise) and humor to develop practical solutions to business problems. And it clearly worked: 89% of businesses reported improved team idea generation and problem-solving abilities.

One key to effective problem-solving is helping organizations embrace humor and fun. The simplest way to do this isn’t by trying to be funny but by being more playful. Playfulness is like a sprinkle of chocolate on your cappuccino—it makes things warmer, more human, and more appealing, even if not everyone loves it.

Take the two Christmas trees in the photo above. On the left is the Landmark Hotel’s tree: rich, tasteful, and coordinated. It’s the kind of tree that whispers, “Don’t touch me, peasant,” while sipping a £10 coffee. Perfect for their classic, posh clientele.

Now look at the tree on the right. That’s my local Hitsona gym’s tree, topped with… the gym manager, James Ali, as the Christmas fairy. It’s playful, cheeky, and self-deprecating, reflecting the personality of the place. The gym is also decorated with manic-looking Christmas elves holding motivational quotes like “You’ve got this!” As you’re doing your circuit, it adds a smile to the grunts and swearing.

Here’s a suggestion for 2025:

Take a look around your office (or gym) and ask yourself: Could your decor be more playful, fun, and human? Adding a touch of humor and personality can make your space feel more inviting and real.

Could playfulness even work in traditionally formal spaces like The Landmark Hotel? Maybe just a hint. As business attire becomes more informal (check out your rush-hour commuters to see how few still wear suits), perhaps workplaces could follow suit with their spaces.

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